Back-to-school boost recipe: Rich chicken or tofu soup with noodles and corn

If broth has many benefits, corn has nothing to envy it. This cereal contains essential nutrients and antioxidants to protect the body. These include

  • Vitamin A to support the immune system
  • Various B vitamins, vital for cell metabolism.
  • Potassium, a mineral very good for good blood pressure.

What's more, its high fiber content supports good digestive health.

Corn broth is the perfect soup to start the new school year (especially since it's the height of the season, so we're taking advantage).

Ingredients (serves 2):


  • Thinly slice 2 leeks and 2 carrots. Shell the corn.
  • Bring the strained stock to the boil.
  • Add the leek and carrot slices and the corn to the stock and cook for ±10 min, over low heat.
  • At the end of cooking, add the wok noodles and chicken or tofu pieces to the soup and reheat for a few moments.

Tip: the thinner the noodles, the more suitable they are for the wok, you can plunge them directly into the broth. If you use thicker noodles, such as soba, I recommend you cook them beforehand to prevent your soup from becoming full of starch.


Garnish with a few sprigs of flat-leaf parsley.

(And share your best recipes with us on Instagram with #recettemonbouillon)